Our plaintiffs are members of the Charlottesville community. They include parents, students, a Christian minister, and others who peacefully protested when white supremacists invaded their hometown. They were specifically targeted on the basis of their race, religion, and ethnicity or because they stood up for the safety and civil rights of others.
The plaintiffs were injured by the defendants, including a number who were grievously injured when James Alex Fields, Jr., drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters. As stated in the complaint, our plaintiffs hope "to ensure that nothing like this will happen again at the hands of Defendants—not on the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, and not anywhere else in the United States of America."
These descriptions are pulled from the complaint, which can be read in full here.

Click here to read the complaint, detailing the full extent of our plaintiffs’ injuries and how the defendants planned the violence in advance.