Integrity First for America wound down operations in December 2022; click here to learn more. This is an archived website and Charlottesville case files will continue to remain available.

Key Documents:

    Additional Case Documents:

    3/30/22: Court's order that Robert "Azzmador" Ray pay $18,567.50 in attorney's fees.

    3/09/22: Plaintiffs' motion for default judgment against seven defendants

    3/09/22: Plaintiffs' post-trial motion for attorneys' fees and costs

    12/01/21: Court's recommendation for Robert "Azzmador" Ray to pay $18,567.50 in attorney fees.

    12/01/21: Court's order for Robert "Azzmador" Ray, National Socialist Movement, Jeff Shoep, and Elliot Kline to pay $34,615 in attorney fees.

    11/23/21: Sines v. Kessler Verdict

    11/19/21: Final Jury Instructions

    10/22/21: Court Opinion Granting Adverse Inferences Against Matthew Heimbach

    10/1/21: Default Judgment Against Nationalist Front

    9/23/21: Plaintiffs' Response to Christopher Cantwell's Frivolous Last-Minute Motions

    9/22/21: Plaintiffs' Second Petition Regarding Recoverable Attorneys' Fees from Robert "Azzmador" Ray

    9/13/21: Court Grants Second Motion for Sanctions Evidentiary Sanctions Against Robert "Azzmador" Ray

    9/3/21: Memorandum Opinion Denying League of the South Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment

    9/3/21: Docket Entry Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Monetary Sanctions Against Robert “Azzmador” Ray

    8/25/21: Plaintiffs' Second Motion for Sanctions Against Robert "Azzmador" Ray

    8/12/21: IFA Charlottesville Plaintiffs Ask Court to Further Sanction Neo-Nazi Matthew Heimbach for Spoliation of Evidence

    8/11/21: Plaintiffs' Motion for Sanctions Against Defendant James Alex Fields, Jr.

    6/23/21: Court Grants Sanctions – Including Adverse Inferences – Against Defendant National Socialist Movement

    6/18/21: Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Defendants' Motions to Change Trial Venue

    6/11/21: Plaintiffs' Submission Regarding Venue for Trial and Trial Logistics

    6/10/21: Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendant Richard Spencer’s Objection to Judge Hoppe’s Order to Strike Spencer’s Motion for Summary Judgment

    6/7/21: Magistrate Judge's Report and Recommendation on Motion for Default Judgment Against Nationalist Front

    5/19/21: Court Denies Defendant Richard Spencer's Motion for Summary Judgment

    5/14/21: Court Denies Defendant Christopher Cantwell’s Motion to Sanction Plaintiffs and Overrules His Objection to Notice of Deposition

    3/31/21: Court Denies Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment

    3/31/21: Court Denies Defendants’ Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony

    3/30/21: Court Grants Evidentiary Sanctions Against Defendant Vanguard America

    3/25/21: Court Grants Evidentiary Sanctions Against Neo-Nazi Defendant Robert "Azzmador" Ray

    3/16/21: Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendant Cantwell’s Objection to Deposition

    2/3/21: Court Order Officially Setting Charlottesville Trial for October 2021

    1/13/21: Plaintiffs’ Unopposed Motion for Entry of Default Against Defendant Nationalist Front Pursuant to Fed R. Civ. P. 37 and 55.

    12/7/20: Federal Court Grants Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Milo Yiannopoulos to Disclose the Identity of Two Confidential Sources

    11/30/20: Court Grants Sanctions – Including Adverse Inferences – Against Neo-Nazi Defendant Elliott Kline

    11/5/20: Plaintiffs’ Reply Brief In Support Of Their Motion For Sanctions Against Defendant National Socialist Movement

    10/27/20: Plaintiffs' Motion for Monetary Sanctions Against Defendant Robert "Azzmador" Ray

    10/22/20: Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike Defendant Richard Spencer's Motion for Summary Judgment

    10/15/20: Plaintiffs' Motion for Sanctions Against Defendant National Socialist Movement

    9/30/20: Court Denies Defendant Christopher Cantwell's Motion to Dismiss and Request for Sanctions

    9/16/20: Court Order Finding Defendant Robert "Azzmador" Ray in Civil Contempt

    9/11/20: Court Grants Plaintiffs' Motion to Depose Defendant Christopher Cantwell 

    8/27/20: Court Orders Defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray to Appear for Contempt Hearing

    8/25/20: Court Order Charlottesville Trial to be Postponed Due to Covid-19

    8/5/20: Supplemental Brief In Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel the Deposition of Robert “Azzmador” Ray

    7/24/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Documents from the United States Department of Justice

    7/24/20: Court Orders Defendant Elliott Kline AKA Eli Mosley to Appear for Deposition

    7/23/20: Court Orders Defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray to Appear for Deposition

    7/21/20: Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief in Support of their Motion to Compel the Deposition of Defendant Elliott Kline AKA Eli Mosley

    7/17/20: Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Michael Peinovich’s Motion to Quash

    7/14/20: Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Letter Urging the Court Again to Grant Motion to Compel Evidence from Milo Yiannopolous

    7/14/20: Plaintiffs’ Letter Urging the Court to Grant Motion to Compel Evidence from Milo Yiannopolous

    7/14/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel the Deposition of Defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray

    7/3/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel the Deposition of Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    6/30/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Michael Peinovich to Comply with Subpoenas

    6/26/20: Plaintiffs’ Response to Burt Colucci’s Email to the Court

    6/25/20: Movants’ Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Compel Milo Yiannopoulos to Comply with Subpeona

    6/23/20: Court Fully Grants Charlottesville Plaintiffs’ Motion To Compel Discovery From Neo-Nazi Hate Group National Socialist Movement

    6/22/20: Court Grants DiNucci’s Motion to Withdraw as Counsel of Record for Defendant Richard Spencer

     6/18/20: Plaintiffs’ Response to Motion to Withdraw as Attorney for Defendant Richard B. Spencer

    6/12/20: Court Rejects Defendant Jeff Schoep’s Motion for Reconsideration of Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery

    6/12/20: Court Rejects Efforts by Defendant James Fields to Block Plaintiffs’ Subpoenas

    6/11/20: Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendant Jeff Schoep’s Motion for Reconsideration of Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery

    6/1/20: Motion For Evidentiary Sanctions Against Defendant Robert Azzmador Ray and for an Order Directing Ray To Show Cause Why He Should Not Be Held in Contempt of Court

    5/27/20: Court Grants Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Defendant Jeff Schoep

    5/26/20: Court Finds that Charlottesville Plaintiffs are entitled to payment of attorney’s fees from Defendants Elliott Kline, Matthew Heimbach and Vanguard America

    5/18/20: Court Fully Grants Charlottesville Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Neo-Nazi Defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray

    4/23/20: Plaintiffs' Renewed Motion for Sanction Against Defendant Vanguard America

    4/13/20: Plaintiffs' Brief in Opposition to W. Edward Rebrook IV's Motion to Withdraw as Attorney for National Socialist Movement and Nationalist Front

    4/8/2020: Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Discovery from Defendant Jeff Schoep

    3/30/20: Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel and for Sanctions Against Defendant James Fields

    3/27/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Defendant Jeff Schoep

    3/13/20: Plaintiffs' Supplemental Brief in Further Support of Their Motions for Evidentiary Sanctions Against Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    3/11/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Defendant Robert “Azzmador” Ray

    3/11/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Defendant National Socialist Movement

    3/9/20: Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Third Parties (Fields’ Criminal Defense Attorneys) John Hill and Denise Lunsford’s Motions to Quash Subpoenas

    3/9/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel and for Sanctions Against Defendant James Fields

    2/14/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Direct Access to Certain Discovery of Defendant Kessler

    2/14/20: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Direct Access to Certain Discovery of Defendant Vanguard America 

    2/12/20: Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief in Further Support of their Motions for Evidentiary Sanctions Against Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    2/7/20: Supplemental Brief in Further Support of their Motions for Evidentiary Sanctions Against Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosely

    2/7/20: Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Request to Attempt to Access Email Account of Elliott Kline

    1/29/20: Plaintiffs’ Response to the Court’s January 8, 2020 Order Regarding Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosely

    1/23/20: Supplemental Reply to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Enjoin Defendant Cantwell from Making Unlawful Threats Against Plaintiffs’ Counsel

    1/22/20: Order Granting Plaintiffs' Request for Immediate Production of Responsive Documents from Elliott Kline

    1/8/20: Order Finding Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley Remains in Contempt

    1/7/20: Order Directing Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley to Take Steps to Purge Himself of Contempt

    1/6/20: Order Regarding Custody of Kline's Electronic Devices and Documents

    1/6/20: Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief Regarding Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    1/3/20: Order for Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley to Surrender to U.S. Marshal

    12/23/19: Order Finding Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley Remains in Civil Contempt

    12/13/19: Order Regarding Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley Civil Contempt Hearing

    12/6/19: Motion for Evidentiary Sanctions Against Kline

    11/27/19: Order Finding Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley in Civil Contempt

    11/27/19: Scheduling Order

    11/14/19: Order to Show Cause to Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    10/30/19: Order for Elliot Kline to Show Cause & Certification

    10/28/19: Decision on Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Defendant National Socialist Movement to Disclose Custodians of Discoverable Documents and Information

    10/18/19: Supplement to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Enjoin Defendant Cantwell from Making Unlawful Threats Against Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs’ Counsel

    9/26/19: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sanctions Against Defendant Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosley

    9/25/19: Plaintiffs’ Reply to Defendant Cantwell’s Response in Opposition to Attorneys Woddard’s and Kolenich’s Motion to Withdraw as Counsel

    9/17/19: Second Amended Complaint

    8/9/19: Order Granting Sanctions Against Defendants Elliott Kline, Matthew Heimbach, and Vanguard America 

    7/25/2019: Brief in Support of Motion to Withdraw as Counsel

    7/17/19: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint to add Plaintiff Thomas Baker

    7/3/19: Order Requiring Defendant Matthew Heimbach to Produce Discovery

    7/2/19: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Enjoin Defendant Cantwell from Making Unlawful Threats Against Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs’ Counsel

    4/11/19: Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sanctions Against Defendant Vanguard America

    4/3/19: Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Sanctions Against Defendants Elliott Kline aka Eli Mosely and Matthew Heimbach

    2/19/19: Opinion Overruling Defendant Peinovich’s Motions to Quash Plaintiffs’ Subpoenas

    2/15/19: Order Rejecting Defendant Nathan Damigo’s Efforts to Avoid Liability By Claiming Bankruptcy 

    2/15/19: Ruling on Motion to Lift the Stay in Damigo Bankruptcy 

    1/30/19: Complaint Seeking Determination that Debts are Nondischargeable Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. - Nathan Benjamin Damigo

    11/13/18: Motion to Compel Defendants to Permit Inspection and Imaging of Electronic Devices

    8/6/18: Order Regarding Motion to Quash Subpoena

    7/12/18: Order Denying Defendant Peinovich’s Motion for Sanctions

    7/9/18: Opinion on Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss

    6/21/18: Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Defendant Peinovich to Respond to Plaintiffs’ second set of Interrogatories

    5/17/18: Order Requiring David Duke to Produce Materials Responsive to Subpoenas 

    4/6/18: Order Denying David Duke’s Motion to Quash Subpoena

    4-20-18: Order Denying Peinovich’s Motion

    4-3-18: Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Plaintiffs' Emergency Motion for an Order to Show Cause Why Defendants Matthew Parrott and Traditionalist Worker Party Should not be Sanctioned for Spoliation and Ordered to Permit Plaintiffs to Conduct a Forensic Examination of Information Systems

    3/26/18: Order Directing Defendant Spencer and Plaintiffs to Exchange Required Initial Disclosures

    3/26/18: Order Denying Defendant Fields’ Motion to Stay Discovery

    3/14/18: Plaintiffs’ Emergency Motion for an Order to Show Cause Why Defendants Matthew Parrott and Traditionalist Worker Party Should not be Sanctioned for Spoliation and Ordered to Permit Plaintiffs to Conduct a Forensic Examination of Information Systems

    3/14/18: Clerk’s Entry of Default Against Defendant Andrew Anglin

    3/6/18: Clerk’s Entry of Default Against Defendant Loyal White Knights of the KKK

    2/27/18: Order to Strike the Anonymous Pro Se Movant’s Motions 

    2/20/18: Plaintiff’s Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss

    1/5/18: First Amended Complaint

    12/29/17: Doe Plaintiffs’ Motion to Strike Defendant Fields’ Untimely Opposition to Motion to Proceed Under Pseudonyms

    12/28/17: Plaintiff’s motion to proceed under Pseudonyms

    11/13/17: DOE Plaintiffs’ Motion to Proceed Under Pseudonyms and Memorandum in Support 10/12/17: Original Complaint

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