Integrity First for America wound down operations in December 2022; click here to learn more. This is an archived website and Charlottesville case files will continue to remain available.

Charlottesville Plaintiffs Win Historic Lawsuit

Our plaintiffs have won their lawsuit against the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and hate groups behind the Unite the Right violence.

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Integrity First for America spearheaded the successful landmark lawsuit against the two dozen neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and hate groups responsible for the August 2017 violence in Charlottesville.

The Charlottesville Case

White supremacists and neo-Nazis invaded Charlottesville. They marched with torches. They killed a young woman and injured dozens more. Now, they've been held accountable. Learn More about our groundbreaking lawsuit.

The Impact

IFA’s Charlottesville lawsuit has had major financial, legal, and operational impacts on the defendants and the white supremacist movement more broadly. Learn More